Our Sunday morning service is our key gathering, because it is the one time in the week that we are all together. It is the fullest expression of who we are as one family, joined together by Jesus.
If you are joining us as a visitor, whether you call yourself a Christian or not, you will be very welcome. We realise that coming to church for the first time can be strange and even uncomfortable. We will not ask you to do anything that might make it more uncomfortable, like introducing yourself to everyone. You do not even need to join in with the singing or praying if you feel unready. It is fine to watch and listen quietly.
Here is what you can expect in a normal Sunday morning service:
► a warm welcome
► singing a mix of classic hymns and modern worship songs, to praise God and encourage each other
► prayers of praise, confession and asking for God’s help
► to hear God speak to us today as the Bible is read and preached, with a short all-age talk beforehand
to help the children engage with what the adults are learning
► interviews and testimonies to hear from people in our church family about what they are doing and
how God is at work in their lives
► regularly sharing the Lord's Supper (Communion) together to celebrate Jesus' death for us
► time to chat and to pray with others over coffee or tea after the service.
We seek to serve the whole family through our services at Magdalen Road Church and we love to include children in our worship. We run Junior Church and creche groups for children, starting part way through our morning services. Occasionally, we stay together for all-age services.
Our Sunday morning services are held at 10:30am at The Old Schoolhouse, Herford Street, OX4 3AJ. As there are more of us than can fit in the main hall, we relay live video and sound from the service to a smaller hall (Oak) and the creche room (Ash) for families with young children.
You may prefer to sit in the smaller hall (Oak) if you feel cautious about Covid or prefer a smaller group - ask a member of the Host Team for directions. The service is streamed onto a screen and is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel for those who can't join us in person.
We discourage the bringing of animals to church services unless they are assistance animals. Please let the elders know if this would be a problem.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about attending in person.
Sermon series
Here are listings of recent sermon series to help you get the best out of our regular Sunday morning services. Homegroup questions are included with the audio for each week. For recent sermons go to Sermons or for listings of earlier series go to Sermons Archive.
Current sermon series
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