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This page lists recent sermons. For earlier sermons search all sermon files by keyword, speaker or Bible passage or visit  the Sermon Archive where sermon series can be found in Bible book order.

Jesus is better #18 See ... (download)
Charlie Currie, 16/02/2025
Jesus is better #17 Persevering together in light of heavenly realities (download)
Andrew Sweasey, 09/02/2025
Induction Service for Andrew Sweasey (download)
Richard Underwood, 09/02/2025
Jesus is better #16 Persevering through faith in suffering (download)
Andrew Sweasey, 02/02/2025
Jesus is better #15 Living by faith (download)
Andrew Sweasey, 26/01/2025
Jesus is better #14 Saving faith (download)
Dan Steel, 19/01/2025
Jesus is better #13 Keep going (download)
Andy Robinson, 12/01/2025
Jesus is better #12 The sacrifice to end all sacrifices! (download)
Andrew Sweasey, 05/01/2025
The Word became flesh #4 Stretching our vision of Jesus for 2025 (download)
Dan Steel, 30/12/2024
The Word became flesh #3 Three impossible things (download)
Charlie Currie, 22/12/2024
The Word became flesh #2 The true light (download)
Charlie Currie, 15/12/2024
Isaiah's Christmas jigsaw (download)
Family Carol Service, 08/12/2024
The Word became flesh #1 Creation: The Backstage Pass (download)
Jeremy Fowler, 01/12/2024

For earlier sermon recordings visit the Sermon Archive where sermon series can be found in Bible book order or search all sermon files by keyword, speaker or Bible passage