

Banner Image:   Background4
4 G's That Change Everything
God's character from various passages (2017)
A Church with a Vision
The vision for Magdalen Road Church (2011)
A Gospel for the Nations?
A Gospel for the Nations?  (2018)
Bible Overview
Bible overview materials
Deuteronomy 5
Ten Truths for Today : The Ten Commandments (2002)
The difference between what we know and what we do (2022)
Easter in the Old Testament
Easter in the Old Testament (2013)
An occasional series considering contemporary questions (2015 - 2017)
Experiencing the Spirit
Church Weekend Away 2009
Global Engagement
Occasional sermons on our World Church Sundays
Global Grace
Occasional sermons by international speakers (2020)
Go Free!
On the bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade (2007)
God wants to use YOU
God wants to use YOU (2007)
God's Big Society
The Communal Vision of the Bible (2011)
Gospel-shaped Partnership
Oxford Area Leadership Day 25th January 2014. Guest Speaker Ray Evans
Topical subjects to help Christians grow (2019)
Heart of the Leader
Training Day for Oxford area FIEC Churches January 2016
Jesus on himself (2020)
Jesus for the iGens?
Jesus for the iGens? (2019)
Leading a church in 2019
FIEC Leaders Day 2019
Living for God
Living for God (2014)
Living in Light of the Cross
Living in Light of the Cross (2012)
Made in His Image
What the Bible teaches about who we are (2016)
Matthew 26-28
Easter in Matthew (2024)
Matthew 26-28
The Cross Looms Large (2018)
Money Matters
Money Matters (2023)
Not ashamed
Not Ashamed : How the incarnation dignifies our humanity (2022)
Paradox of God's Kingdom
The Paradox of God's Kingdom (2014)
Pharisees Anonymous
Spotting the Pharisee inside (2013)
Praying with Paul
Looking at the prayers of Paul (2017)
Rededication to Our Vision
Rededication services at the start of a church year
To Infinity and Beyond (1999) (in the 3 months leading up to the end of the Millennium)
Sin and how to solve it
Sin and how to solve it (2015)
So What is Prayer?
Lessons from the prayers of the Apostle Paul (2005)
The Bible and Politics
The Bible and Politics (2010)
The Character of Christ
What's He like? (2022)
The Church we want to be
Church Weekend Away 2017
The Church we want to be
Occasional sermons focusing on our vision
The promise of Easter
The promise of Easter (2023)
Triumphant Love
The transforming power of knowing Jesus Christ (2008)
Union with Christ
Church Weekend Away 2013)
Waiting for the shepherd God
Waiting for the Shepherd God (2021-22)
Why God is not like us
Why God is not like us (and that is a good thing!) (2023)