| | Origins : What the Bible says about life, the universe and everything (2009) |
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| | The Growth of a Man of God : Lessons from the life of Joseph (2008) |
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| | Good News for All the Earth : Studies from the life of Abraham (2005) |
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| | Good News for all the earth : Abraham and the mission of God (2010) |
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| | Joseph : Living the dream (2023) |
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| | Rescued for Relationship (2021) |
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| | No Longer Slaves : The messages of Exodus (2006) |
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| | When God comes down : The message of Exodus for a Post-Christian world (2011) |
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| | Paving the Way Home (2018) |
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| | Stories of people who haven't arrived yet (2016) |
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| | Ten Truths for Today : The Ten Commandments (2002) |
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| | Judges : Breaking the cycle (2022) |
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| | Gideon and the God of the Underdog (2017) |
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| | Romance and Redemption : The story of Ruth (Church Weekend Away 2018) |
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| | Hope Through Despair : The story of Ruth (2012) |
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| | A King after God's Heart (2018) |
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| | The Beatitudes of Samuel (2010) |
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| | The Boy who would be King: God's glory and grace in the life of David (2009)
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| | Speaking for God when it's hard : The story of Elijah (2015) |
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| | History that brings hope (2019) |
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| | I will build My Church : Lessons from Ezra on kingdom growth (2013) |
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| | Nehemiah : Building for the Future (2017) |
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| | God's Silent Sovereignty : The story of Esther (2014) |
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| | Trusting the Invisible God : The story of Esther (2006) |
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| | For the love of God (2020) |
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| | Job's cry "Where is God?" (2012) |
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| | God that's not fair : Lessons from the experience of Job (1999) |
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| | The Way Home : Selections from the songs of ascent (2009) |
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| | Living with God : Psalms for the New Year (2011) |
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| | Songs for the Real World : The authentic Christian life in the Psalms (2006) |
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| | Real Songs : The highs and lows of living in the now (2014) |
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| | Christmas in the Psalms (2019) |
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| | My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? : Jesus in Psalm 22 (2015) |
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| | What to do when you're down : Finding help in Psalms 42-43 (2021) |
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| | How to have a heart of wisdom (2018) |
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| | The world is not enough / 3 things we cannot see (2002) |
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| | Living life under the sun (2023) |
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| | Learning to Wait : Advent in Isaiah (2015) |
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| | A Long Way East of Eden : Shame and hope from Isaiah 1-11 (2004) |
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| | One Lord, One People, One Hope : The Message of Isaiah 56-66 (2008) |
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| | The World's Servant : Isaiah 40-55 (1998) |
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| | True Hope : The promises of Isaiah (2020) |
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| | Living away from home : Daniel in Exile (2017) |
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| | Our God Reigns! : Living in a hostile world (2007) |
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| | The Day of the Lord : The prophesy of Joel (2012) |
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| | The Lion Roars : Amos (2019) |
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| | The Lion Roars : Studies in Amos (2005) |
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| | Surprised by Grace (Church Weekend Away 2015) |
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| | A Scandalous Grace : Lessons from the book of Jonah (2010) |
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| | Who is like the Lord : Micah speaks about God (2018) |
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| | Questioning Justice : The message of Habakkuk (2016) |
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| | The Day of the Lord (2018) |
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| | Greater glory to come (2024) |
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| | The Gospel according to Zechariah (2003) |
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| | I will Build My Church : Zechariah and the People of God (2008) |
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| | The Danger of Dead Religion (2015) |
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| | Last words of Jesus from the cross (2017) |
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| | The #CounterRevolution : Jesus' Beatitudes (2016) |
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| | Lord Teach us to Pray : The Lord's Prayer in Matthew (2016) |
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| | Christmas with the prophets (2017) |
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| | Responses to the Coming King (2014) |
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| | Not to be Seen by Others : Living the authentic spiritual life (2016) |
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| | Be careful how you build (2017) |
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| | Unstoppable : The ministry of Jesus in Matthew 8-9 (2010) |
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| | Donning the Mantle : Living for Jesus in a hostile world (2012) |
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| | Let Your Kingdom Come : Lessons from parables in Matthew 13 (2009) |
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| | The (upside-down) Kingdom of Heaven is like ... (2016) |
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| | The Cross Looms Large (2018) |
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| | My yoke is easy and my burden is light (Church Day Away 2019) |
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| | The King has Come : The good news of Jesus told by Mark (2014/15) |
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| | Following a King who serves (2019) |
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| | The Revolution's Here : The message of Luke (2006) |
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| | The Road to Life : Luke's account of the Easter Story (2014) |
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| | Following Jesus to the cross (2023) |
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| | Tales of the Unexpected: Parables that Jesus told (2005) |
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| | Songs about the Saviour (2023) |
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| | Getting Ready for Christmas (2013) |
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| | Encounters with Jesus (Christmas 2014) |
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| | Responding to the Heart of God (2011) |
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| | Praying with the Saviour (2024) |
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| | Seven signs in John's Gospel (2016) |
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| | Suffering Servant, Risen King : Jesus before and after the cross (2008) |
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| | The Real Jesus (2011-2012) |
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| | Knowing and Growing : Living a Fruitful Life for the Father (2015) |
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| | The Word became flesh (2018) |
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| | Words of the Cross : John's account (2019) |
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| | To be Continued : Meeting the Risen Jesus (2015) |
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| | The Power of the Gospel : Transforming Lives in the Book of Acts (2010) |
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| | The Making of a Global Church : Lessons from the life of the Apostle Paul (2005) |
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| | Revolutionary Lives in the book of Acts (2007) |
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| | The Church is not dead (2013-14) |
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| | The Story Continues : What Jesus continued to do (2021) |
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| | The New Kingdom of Jesus (2016) |
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| | Message to the believers in Rome (2018) |
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| | Faithful : The Good News about God for everyone (2012-2013) |
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| | True Hope: God's promises to His People in Romans 8 (2006) |
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| | The Cruciality of the Cross : 1 Corinthians 1-10 (2008, 2009 and 2011) |
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| | A Spirit-filled Community (2009) |
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| | Getting the Good News Right : Galations 3-5 |
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| | The local church is the hope of the world : Paul's letter to the church in Ephesus (2013) |
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| | The Church as Community : Church Weekend Away 2006 |
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| | The Struggle for Joy in the Mess of Life (2015) |
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| | Paul's Letter to the Philippians |
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| | Rejoice in the Lord : Paul's prison letter to the Philippians (2009)
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| | Finding Joy in Lockdown (2020) |
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| | Christ is All : The message of Colossians (2010) |
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| | Free at Last: The liberating message of Colossians (2005) |
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| | Jesus is bigger than you think : Colossians 1-4 (2017) |
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| | Living with Real Hope (2016) |
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| | Stand Firm and Hold Fast (2020) |
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| | What makes a church healthy : Words of instruction (2020) |
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| | Gospel Legacy : Paul's second letter to Timothy (2014) |
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| | Planting Healthy Churches (2016) |
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| | How to do Good : Paul's letter to Titus (2011) |
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| | The Difference Jesus Makes (2010) |
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| | A Faith that Works (2021) |
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| | How Real is your Faith : The message of James' letter (1998) |
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| | Hungry : The dissatisfied joy of being a Christian in 1 Peter (2005) |
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| | Evidence of Alien Life (2008) |
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| | Living in a Foreign Land : Lessons from 1 Peter (2012) |
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| | Stand Firm : Four words of advice from 2 Peter (2004) |
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| | Stay Safe : Warnings from 2 Peter (2019) |
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| | Contending for the Faith (2018) |
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| | To Infinity and Beyond (1999)
(in the 3 months leading up to the end of the Millennium) |
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| | The World we all Want (2013) |
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| | Revelation Letters : Jesus' message to the seven churches (2016) |
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| | A Vision of Jesus to Get You Through : The message of Revelation 1 (2016) |
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| | Letters from the risen Jesus (2010) |
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