We believe that God has brought us together to delight in him; displaying the glory of Jesus in the power of the Spirit, through word, service and community, to the peoples of East Oxford, Oxford and the world.
By grace through faith we are prayerfully committed to becoming a community of people who...
Love Jesus Christ with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
We believe that God's greatest passion and the Spirit's highest purpose is for us to know Christ who is the image of God. It is our greatest joy and fulfilment as human beings to discover the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ and so to be made whole. We aim to make God's passion our passion, living out our love for Jesus at all times, in service, love and speech. |
Reach out to all the ethnically diverse peoples of East Oxford, Oxford and the world with the glorious gospel of Christ.
We believe that all people need a relationship with God, and in order for that to happen they must hear the good news about Jesus' death for our sins, and his resurrection for our hope. We believe that God intends his church to be a beacon of hope in a dark world. We aim to serve, love, and speak in the name of Christ so that through us, people from every tribe, nation and language may trust Christ and find the joy of salvation. In particular we aspire to be a truly intercultural community, welcoming and valuing the contributions of those from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. |
Build up, care for and disciple people of all backgrounds through Christ-like relationships.
We believe that all Christians are called to grow and become more Christ-like and this happens mainly through living in community with other believers. As the body of Christ we believe that God has called us to live together in truth and love, so that in all things we will grow up into maturity in Christ. In our life together we aim to imitate Christ in speech, love and service, so that we may nurture one another towards Christian maturity. In this we recognise the importance of listening to the voices of the ethnic minorities among us and valuing their contributions. |
Equip people for lives of Christ-honouring service and send them out to all the world.
We believe that God calls us to be concerned for his worldwide church. As a local church we have the privilege of receiving many Christians who will be with us for a relatively short time before leaving to serve God throughout the world. We aim to nurture, teach and train them so that when they leave us, they will be better equipped for fruitful lives of service. |