

Banner Image:   East Oxford banner
Please fill in the form below with as much descriptive detail as possible. We will endeavour to post your notice on the board as soon as possible and, in most cases, within 48 hours.
Type of notice
Brief Description ?
Start Date ?
End Date ?
Your Name
Phone Number(s)
Email address
Description ?  
  I understand the Conditions of Use and agree to comply with them.


Conditions of Use

The Magdalen Road Church Accommodation Noticeboard is used under the following conditions:
  1. This is a free service provided to the community by Magdalen Road Church (the church) and all notices will be moderated before posting onto the noticeboard
  2. The church takes no responsibility for the accuracy and or the content of the details posted on the noticeboard. Any complaints should be directed to the person named in the notice.
  3. The Church will endeavour to post notices within 48 hours of a request being received. However, this is dependent on a moderator being available. If the notice you requested has not appeared on the board within 5 working days please email or ring the church office to check it has been received.
  4. Each posting will have a life of 1 calendar month after which it will be automatically removed unless you specifically request it to remain on the noticeboard for another period of time. You are requested to email as soon as your notice has been satisfied so it can be deleted and prevent further enquiries.
  5. Emails should be addressed to hello@mrc-oxford.org and phone calls made to the church office on 01865 245887. Please note that the church office is staffed part-time.